Are you a frequent traveler?

If so, you’re probably all about convenience.

Many budget airlines are strict when it comes to carry-on bags, and sometimes traditional backpacks or wheeled carry-ons don’t make the cut. This can leave you at the airport forking over as much as you paid for your ticket to allow your luggage to travel with you.

We offer a solution for travelers: our aluminum backpacks, which offer the best of both worlds.

This article will discuss why our carry-on luggage backpack is ideal for all of your travel needs.

Read on for more information, and get ready to pack!

The Downsides of a Carry On Suitcase to Backpack Converter

You may have seen suitcases that can be wheeled around and have straps that allow you to use your luggage as a backpack. While this may seem ideal, as you can put your backpack on when you need to run around the airport or go up a flight of stairs and then roll it behind you when your back needs a rest, there are some downsides.

Firstly, most of these backpacks are carry-ons with wheels. That means they lack organization, and everything is thrown together in one compartment. It makes it difficult to get to your things, especially if you want access to them in-flight.

Another downside to this type of luggage is that the wheels on the back of it make it extra heavy and distribute the weight unevenly. It can make you feel unbalanced or like you have far too much weight on your back, which will make you less inclined to use it as a backpack. Instead, you may as well invest your money in a wheelie suitcase.

Depending on how it’s made, it may also be relatively easy for someone to break into and steal something while you’re walking. It’s well known that you shouldn’t have your valuables on side pockets of backpacks, as adept thieves can pull them out without you even noticing. With these types of backpacks, that’s a real problem.

The Aleon Advantage

Here at Aleon, we have created two aluminum backpacks, one 16″ and one 17″. They fit the standard for most airlines for their carry-on policy, but you may wish to call ahead or check the website before you embark on being sure.

Our aluminum backpacks are sturdy and can withstand various types of weather, which is more than can be said for certain types of backpacks. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of our backpack over a regular carryon to backpack converter.

No Wheels

The Aleon aluminum backpacks don’t have wheels. This means your weight is distributed evenly when you carry it, and you won’t have to worry about feeling off-kilter. Wheels can also add inches to your carry-on, and some budget airlines are notoriously strict about them. What you see is what you get in terms of size.

Less Risk of Theft

Our backpacks don’t have pockets in the back and don’t open from the top. Instead, you have to open them like a traditional suitcase. As such, this makes it very difficult for someone to steal items from it as you’re darting around the airport or busy cities. Of course, you’ll still need to keep an eye on your surroundings, but you’d have to remove the backpack completely for someone to get inside of it.

Compartments for Essentials

As we mentioned earlier, some carry-on to backpack converters only has one space for all of your things. This is incredibly inconvenient if you want to grab your wallet so you can get a drink on the plane or pull out your laptop to get a bit of work done before you touch down.

However, our backpacks have compartments for essentials that make it easy to grab your things without having to tear everything apart. The best part is that these compartments, including a nylon iPad or laptop sleeve, are on the inside of the backpack, meaning they’re impossible to access from behind you. So your valuables stay close to you, literally.

A Packing Cube on Our Larger Model

Our 17″ model also comes with another bonus: a packing cube. This packing cube can be used to store toiletries and essentials, or you can use it for a change of clothes. This is especially convenient if you’re spending the night in an airport lounge or you’re riding all night long on a sleeper train or bus. This way, you can have your pajamas and clothes for the next day ready without having to rifle through everything you own in a small space. Or, you can have your toiletries to hand if necessary on trains or planes or if you’re using them to camp for several days at a time.

Carry On Luggage Backpack

Our carry-on luggage backpack is not only superior in quality but also convenient. You can rest assured that as you’re darting through the airport to try to get to your next flight or stuck in large crowds in a big city that no one is trying to rifle through your bag. You also have all of the convenience of having your electronics and other items on hand without having to rifle through it all physically.

Click here to check out our range of carry-on luggage backpacks, which will change the game for your travel and convenience needs.

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