If you are looking for a great credit card company for traveling, excellent cash back incentives are not the only factor to take into consideration. You should also consider their range of benefits and upgrades that will help you improve your travel experience without spending any additional money. If you want to choose the best travel credit card for traveling, you will first start by analyzing your options, their benefits and cons, and also your spending budget.
One of the main reasons why it can be particularly challenging to choose a great travel credit card is because the industry has become one of the most competitive sectors in recent times. This is why there are now a lot of travel credit companies that offer unique features, improved travel credits, and various upgrade options. Some of the things you should consider when you are planning to sign up for a new card is how you intend to use it and the method you can use to optimize the points so that you will be able to take advantage of your rewards program.
Getting the best travel credit card can help you improve your travel experience and also reduce your travel costs. If you want to understand how all these travel cards work, the factors to consider when choosing a credit card, the best travel rewards credit cards and the credit card that will suit your needs the most. Here are the best 5 credit cards for traveling;

5. Wells Fargo Propel American Express® Card

The Wells Fargo Propel American Express® Card is one of the best credit cards for traveling with its amazing rewards program and other great benefits. You can earn 3 times reward points on gas, dining, and even ordering in. Hotels, car rentals, rideshare, streaming services, transit, homestays, and flight are other ways to get 3X reward points. You will also get 1X point on every other kind of purchase.
One of the most significant benefits of this credit card is there are no annual fees. You will also find it easy to redeem their points for gift cards, travel, and cash backs. But you have to have at least 2500 points before you can start redeeming.
This fantastic credit card also provides no interest on balance transfers and purchases for one year with 15.74% to 27.74% variable APR. If you also have a card that is not American Express, you can use this credit card to settle debts on the card with no interest charges at all. However, if you want to transfer balance, there is a 3% fee charge, and the minimum amount that can be transferred is $5.

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4. TD First Class℠ Visa Signature® Credit Card

One of the things that put this credit card among the best in the market is the fact that it provides an introductory APR. This credit card is also well known for its amazing bonus and incredible rewards program. It also offers a relatively low 14.99% variable APR. 

In the first 6 billing cycles, a new user can earn up to 25,000 miles if the user spends up to $3000. This is unlike most of the bonuses of other companies that usually take just 3 months.

Also, for every dollar spent, users get 3X miles for traveling and dining, while for every other purchase, they get 1X for every dollar spent. You can also decide to redeem your rewards for cash backs, travel rewards or gift cards.

New users also get 0% APR for the first year after they sign up. It has an annual fee of $89, which is often waived for the first year after they sign up.

3. Chase Sapphire Reserve® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Reserve® Credit Card is one of the most popular credit cards for traveling. This is due to its amazing rewards program and luxury benefits that will help improve your traveling experience. This credit card provides 3X points on travel and dining purchases, and users are also credited with $300 worth of statement credit every year to apply to qualifying travel expenses.

Users also get a statement credit worth $100 every 4 years to cover TSA Pre-Check or Global Entry application fees. This can also be used to apply for Priority Pass Select, which will enable you t9 access over 1000 airport lounges all around the world with free amenities, including snacks, and Wi-Fi. 

Its annual fee is $550, which is one of the reasons it is not higher on this list. It offers 50,000 Reward Points to new users if they spend up to $4000 in the first 3 months. 

Users will be able to earn 3X points for each $1 they spend money on traveling and dining but 1 point per dollar for the rest. You can also redeem your points with Ultimate Rewards.


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2. Capital One® Venture® Rewards Credit Card

Capital One® Venture® Rewards Credit Card comes with a lot of rewards and travel benefits, which is why it is also considered to be one of the best Credit cards for traveling in the United States. This card comes with a lot of benefits, including five times miles every time you book a hotel or rental car with the credit cards and also two times miles for every dollar you spend.

You will earn 50,000 Capital One Miles when you purchase goods worth $3000 with your card in the first 3 months. The annual fee of this credit card is $95, although the first year is free. 

You also get about $100 worth of Global Entry or Pre-Check application fee credit once in four years.

It does not offer any 0% APR period for new users, and it is only great for people with excellent credit scores.

 1. American Express® Gold Card

This card is considered to be the best travel credit card on the market. This credit card has a lot of amazing benefits at an affordable price. This is why it is often considered a luxury card. So if you are someone that loves to travel and also dines out, then your best choice will be the American Express Gold Card. Although the annual fee is $250, the number of amazing rewards that come with it is definitely worth it. With this $250 annual fee, you will get up to $100 to cover your airline fees (which often includes baggage fees, seat upgrades with participating airlines), $100 worth of Hotel credits when you decide to book in through the Hotel Collection of the American Express Travel and $120 worth of restaurant credits (which includes $10 each month when you purchase at Grubhub, Seamless and other registered restaurants). 

New Users are also given 35,000 Membership Rewards Point when they spend up to $4000 in the first 3 months after they activate their credit card. You will also be able to earn up to four times on dining worldwide or at supermarkets (only at participating centers) with no foreign transaction fees, you will be able to get an 8% return on purchases. This is why this credit card is the best personal card to use if you want to eat in the United States and anywhere else in the world. 

However, one major drawback of this credit card is that it does not support special credit for Global Entry or TSA Pre-Check application fees. Also, American Express is not as widely accepted at Visa and MasterCard in the United States and abroad. 

Recommendations For Choosing Your Cards Abroad

Before making a decision when choosing which cards you can use abroad, there are several points that you should analyze.


Apart from taking into account your personal situation, since you may travel sporadically or on long-term trips, you have to think about all the money you can save on travel thanks to choosing the perfect credit card to travel.

You have to consider these points:

  • Exchange rate: Not all banks and cards make the same exchange rate. Money fluctuates, and currency may be worth more today than yesterday and vice versa. Therefore it is recommended that both the bank and the card make us an official exchange rate . This means that they make the currency exchange of that moment, without adding a% of commissions, however small. It is recommended that you make a Visa or MasterCard exchange rate.
  • Commission when withdrawing at the ATM: Commissions when withdrawing money from the ATM in a foreign country are common by many banks. You have to see if your bank is going to charge you to take out ATMs abroad if you allow some ATM networks or if in the contrary (and it would be ideal), do not charge anything for this action.
  • Limit of taking out at the monthly ATM: you may have a limit of money per month that will be free of commission, and from the limit, you will be charged a%. Or it may not have a limit. You have to control this and analyze according to your situation. That limit, if you have, it would be ideal for you. Since you may have a limit to withdraw cash, but not in card payment.

The cashier can charge commission: It must be taken into account. Many times traveling, we have found ATMs that charge you commission to get money. It is not your bank, it is the bank to which the cashier belongs. Usually, before charging you, he tells you that he will do it. There you have to decide if you want it or not. That is why it is ideal that your bank or card be ZERO commissions and real exchange, since that if you can control it.

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